Dragon Rioting
It is a Japanese manga written by Tsuyoshi Watanabe, a typical school life surrounding the protagonist.
Rintaro Tachibana who is the led of the story had been diagnosed with Hentai Syndrome which is actually a dangerous disease which may lead to person's death if he/she is sexually aroused.
In accordance to this situation Rintaro's father trains him for 10 years which help him to control his mind, and also gives him some exceptional fighting skills or say makes him martial artists.
Rintaro to leave his life peacefully enrolls in all boys high schools but it turns out to be the all girl high school which just has turned coed. Due to this scenario he tries to get transferred but unfortunate for him he gets trapped in the battle of three dragons Ayane, Kagamiin Kyoka, Rino which are the leaders of their respected groups.
This was he summary or a review of what exactly is this manga about.
Now I'm witting this post coz I just loved this manga, there's no Anime series for this yet but i hope there will be one.
I loved this manga coz its kind of packed with action and exceptional art illustrated by the writer.
The thing i liked is the unknown strength of Rintaro as a new student who is like taken granted by others at the beginning except for Ayane(Read the manga to know why), kind of like underdog thing. But gradually he comes up in the spot light gets the deserving respect.
The most funny part is his struggle to stay way from girls so that he can protect his life due to hentai syndrome. Wow that was some though days for the guy. Due to ecchi moments it becomes more difficult for him to survive.
Also there are some hardcore moments were he realizes his limits and all, and starting to boot up more stronger.
In my suggestion you should really give it a try.
It is a Japanese manga written by Tsuyoshi Watanabe, a typical school life surrounding the protagonist.
Rintaro Tachibana who is the led of the story had been diagnosed with Hentai Syndrome which is actually a dangerous disease which may lead to person's death if he/she is sexually aroused.
In accordance to this situation Rintaro's father trains him for 10 years which help him to control his mind, and also gives him some exceptional fighting skills or say makes him martial artists.
Rintaro to leave his life peacefully enrolls in all boys high schools but it turns out to be the all girl high school which just has turned coed. Due to this scenario he tries to get transferred but unfortunate for him he gets trapped in the battle of three dragons Ayane, Kagamiin Kyoka, Rino which are the leaders of their respected groups.
This was he summary or a review of what exactly is this manga about.
Now I'm witting this post coz I just loved this manga, there's no Anime series for this yet but i hope there will be one.
I loved this manga coz its kind of packed with action and exceptional art illustrated by the writer.
The thing i liked is the unknown strength of Rintaro as a new student who is like taken granted by others at the beginning except for Ayane(Read the manga to know why), kind of like underdog thing. But gradually he comes up in the spot light gets the deserving respect.
The most funny part is his struggle to stay way from girls so that he can protect his life due to hentai syndrome. Wow that was some though days for the guy. Due to ecchi moments it becomes more difficult for him to survive.
Also there are some hardcore moments were he realizes his limits and all, and starting to boot up more stronger.
In my suggestion you should really give it a try.